Empowering patients through education and expert care

Heart Failure affects 6.7 million Americans and that number is expected to rise to 8.5 million by 2030.

The good news is that numerous treatment strategies exist to manage this condition. Being knowledgeable about how you can manage your Heart Failure can improve your health and overall outcomes.

At the UCSF Advanced Heart Failure Comprehensive Care Center, we aim to provide the best and most up-to-date treatment to manage your disease. From the time that you receive a new heart failure diagnosis, our team will provide personalized care to improve your health. If your condition progresses to the point where you may require a heart transplant or left ventricular assist device (LVAD), we will be there with you every step of the way.

There are many things you can do to assist in your own care. We will provide you and your family or caregiver with the tools and education you need to partner with us and learn the best ways to manage your heart health at home.

UCSF patient shares his story

Patient-centered care every step of the way

Female patient hugging female physician in white lab coat outside

Cardiac surgeon Dr. Amy Fiedler (left) has an emotional embrace with patient Fatou Gaye who she performed a heart transplant on in December as they stand outside UCSF Parnassus in San Francisco, Calif. In December, Dr. Amy Fiedler performed a 5-hour heart transplant on Gaye, 26. Only at the end did Fiedler realize there was not a man in the room. All 8 on the surgical team were women. UCSF thinks this is a first in 150 years at UCSF if not a first anywhere because surgical teams are selected at random and there are very few female heart transplant surgeons.